Congratulations to our 2024 Homecoming Court.
Brooke Stover, Livi McArdle, Morgan Jurgelas, Josie Thomas,
Nate Steffen, Tyler Steffa, Micah Coffman, & Preston Wiltz
The monthly Board of Education meeting scheduled for Tuesday, September 17th is CANCELLED. The meeting will be rescheduled for Tuesday, September 24th at 6:00 pm.
If you and/or your child are interested in international travel, join Mrs. Long in the art room next week for an informational meeting about our summer of 2026 HOIC trip to Paris & Rome!
Can't make it on the 20th? There will be a second meeting with all of the HOIC art teachers on Oct. 9th at the Bloomington Public Library!
We are proud to add three more of our Lexington heroes to our Wall of Honor: Robert Swartz '52, Greg Durflinger '87, and Aaron Hepner '03. Our deepest thanks for your service!
Please help us keep everyone off our playground space until the caution tape and cones are removed. We cannot wait to return to play on it very soon. Thank you for your patience with our playground repairs!
September Lunch Menus
Due to concerns regarding today's temperatures the JH Softball game has been cancelled.
Coaches have communicated with their teams on their team accounts.
The HS Volleyball game @ Marquette HS (Ottawa) is still being played as previously scheduled.
Any changes for tomorrow's activities will be communicated tomorrow.
Due to concerns regarding today's temperatures the following schedule changes have been made to our extra-curricular activities:
JH Varsity Baseball @ Fisher @ 4:30 PM (no change)
JH JV Baseball @ Lexington (cancelled)
JH Softball @ Leroy (Changed to A only, 7:00 PM start time)
HS Golf @ El-Paso (cancelled)
Coaches have communicated with their teams on their team accounts. Any changes for tomorrow's activities will be communicated tomorrow.
Tuesday, Sept 10th- AM PreK and K-5th grades
Thursday, Sept 12th- PM PreK, JH & HS
*More information to come in regards to ordering.
It's a Minutemen High Five Friday!
Tomorrow is almost here! We are excited to begin for what is sure to be another tremendous school year for Lexington #7. School safety is always paramount and of utmost concern for us. With construction continuing on and around the campus, we have a few extra areas to keep an eye on. You can help us keep our kids safe by please reviewing and following the drop off/pick up guidance sent out last week by our building principals. The first few days of any school year are always new for everyone and we appreciate everyone's assistance and grace in putting our student's safety first and having extra patience as we navigate our new routines. In addition, we thank everyone on the roads in advance for having a little extra patience and keeping your eyes out for our school buses, district vehicles, and our students. We are blessed and thankful to have these 13 individuals take on the responsibility of keeping our students safe this school year on our buses: Ron Ackerman, Neil Atkins, James Groth, Brett Johnson, John Mohr, Georgenea Nickum, Chris Olson, Zachary Patton, Paul Peacock, Cheryl Shelton, Les Thomas, Cathy Weber and Scott Kaiser.
We have a new challenge in our district as we have more students riding our buses and more students attending Bloomington Area Career Center than we have in a long time. Therefore, we find ourselves in need of hiring additional drivers, especially those who could help with morning routes. If you are interested in learning more about helping us out, please contact Les Thomas, With your continued support, we can continue to do our best to keep our students safe for another great school year!
We look forward to seeing our families tonight for Open House! Elementary students, please stop and pose for your "signing day" picture at our table by the PreK room. We know you are going to have an outstanding year! Special thanks to Mrs. Emma Long and Mrs. Amanda Carter for collaborating on this fun idea.
August Lunch Menus
Yesterday, the Lexington community lost a true Lexington Legend with the passing of Mr. Parker Kemp. As a former Lexington graduate, as a businessman, as a visionary, and as a generous supporter, Mr. Kemp helped shape and guide our community and schools for better than seven decades. In 2004, Mr. Kemp was awarded the “Patriot Award” for his “contribution to our local schools, including providing advice to the district administrators regarding important financial decisions on countless occasions. Additionally, Mr. Kemp was instrumental in starting the Lexington Educational Advancement Foundation. However, because of his style, many were unaware of his strong commitment to our local schools. He was a quiet man who wanted nothing in return but deserved so much.” Our students, our staff, our school, and our community have many blessings as the result of Mr. Kemp and his generosity. On behalf of Lexington CUSD #7, we want to pass along our condolences to Mr. Kemp’s friends and family.
Please see attached for the elementary homeroom lists. Our teachers are looking forward to working with each of you during the '24-25 school year!
Reminder: In-person registration is next week!
Lexington residents,
Our district has identified some desks, chairs, tables, file cabinets, etc. as being surplus property as we continue to go through our district's renovation and construction. Some of these items are pushing 30-40 years of age and have done their service but might have some life left to them for the right person. These items are free to take and can be found behind (south) of our Ag Building.
We have many continuous changes taking place around our school campus this summer.
One of those you changes that you may have noticed over the past week has been excavation work on our playground. With the acquisition of a grant from Illinois State Board of Education at the end of May, we were able to secure funding to improve our playground area by installing new rubber poured surface that will provide us a surface that will allow for more outdoor play opportunities for our younger students and eliminate the muddy space in between our playground equipment and the school building.
With good weather, we should see a finished product by the end of the week. The material will need to cure and form over the next 72 hours, so we ask our public to assist us by please staying away from this area until next week.
We loved seeing all of our Minutemen faces today and meeting some new ones! The ice cream bus is always one of our favorite days. Special thank you to the City of Lexington, the Lexington Park District, the Ollie and Dorothy Myers Trail, Hilltop Mobile Homes, and Westwind Estates for giving us excellent places to stop the bus and see our families.
The Ice Cream Bus is coming!