The Minutemen will be taking on Ridgeview tonight! Come on out and support as we recognize our senior basketball players, cheerleaders, and pep band members! #LEXGO
about 11 hours ago, Athletics Intern
Come on out to Lexington High School tonight for our SPIRIT SALE! For a donation of your choice, you can take home a variety of vintage uniforms from different sports including Baseball, Softball, Girls and Boys Basketball and Track! First come, first serve, doors open at 5PM! Hope to see you there! #LEXGO
about 12 hours ago, Matt Dawes
Surplus Sale
Surplus Sale
Surplus Sale
about 16 hours ago, Nikki Elmore
Parent's Night Out flyer
Happy Valentine's Day from the Minutemen Kindness Club! Yesterday we were hard at work after school spreading kindness with homemade hearts for the ones we love.
about 17 hours ago, Julie Strating
Kindness Club group
students creating hearts
older students
4 girls
three boys
4 kids
Due to the impending weather conditions, all afternoon and evening events for Wednesday, February 12th have been cancelled. Stay safe, Minutemen!
3 days ago, Matt Dawes
The LRVC Team will be coming through Lexington at around 5:10pm! Come on out and show your support for the Minutemen! #LEXGO
6 days ago, Matt Dawes
Quick reminder for the High School Girl's Basketball games this evening in Flanagan, Varsity is playing first followed by JV. Come on out and support! #LEXGO
8 days ago, Matt Dawes
KIWANIS BED BLITZ!!!! Once again our Lexington Kiwanis will be hosting a Mini Bed Blitz where we make beds for local families in need of a bed for their 5-18 year old child, who may be sleeping on a couch, sharing a bed or sleeping on a broken bed. With our simple bed frame, we also provide the mattress, all bed linens, a pillow, blanket, quilt, book, stuffed animal and laundry detergent. If interested, email Lois at for a link to our application. The beds will be made and delivered in early May.
9 days ago, Paul T. Deters, Superintendent
Due to the impending weather, all evening activities tonight after 4:30 are being canceled. Student-Athlete's and families, please look for communication from your coaches.
9 days ago, Matt Dawes
Last week we had a blast participating in our first Heart Healthy week in connection with the American Heart Association. Students in grades PreK-12 and staff members completed various heart healthy challenges each day and enjoyed some assemblies to help spread the message to take care of our hearts and how to respond in the event of a heart-related issue. We also surpassed our fundraising goal of $1500 by raising $2131.67 for the American Heart Association! We are excited to make this an annual event for our students and staff.
9 days ago, Julie Strating
GS assembly
HS assembly
full assembly
Mr. Dawes
Dr McCoy
Mr Bonny
5th grade duck
blood pressure check
drinks for staff
AED hunt
We Are Hiring! We are looking for a custodian to join our Lexington family.
11 days ago, Melissa Meints
11 days ago, Nikki Elmore
Parent's Night Out flyer with sign up form
February Lunch Menus
14 days ago, Nikki Elmore
Elementary Lunch Menu
Jr High/High School Lunch Menu
Our kindergarteners turned 100 years old! We are celebrating 100 days of the school year today.
15 days ago, Julie Strating
kindergarten students
100 students
Our third graders blasted off to outer space this week! U of I Extension brought an inflatable dome to create a planetarium for the students to enter and learn. They loved seeing science come to life right above their eyes!
16 days ago, Julie Strating
students with stars
students with sun
Second graders enjoyed bringing Mrs. Strating and Mr. Dawes into the classroom to attempt to complete the steps of a "how-to" piece of writing to make dessert in a cup! Based on this demonstration, students are now recognizing the need for precise language when writing how-to steps.
18 days ago, Julie Strating
student high 5
pudding cup
students cheering
graham crackers
Families of 8th Graders, please join us on Wednesday, January 29th for Freshman Orientation! Orientation will start at 6:00pm and take place in the District Library. Meet your child's future teachers, and learn about Lexington High School's courses and activities!
21 days ago, Jennifer McCoy
All athletic contests for this evening have been cancelled. Coaches will be reaching out to their teams via their communication platforms regarding practices for this evening. Stay safe Minutemen!
25 days ago, Paul T. Deters, Superintendent
January Lunch Menus
about 2 months ago, Nikki Elmore
Elementary Lunch Menu
Jr High/High School Lunch Menu
December Lunch Menus
3 months ago, Nikki Elmore
Elementary Lunch Menu
Jr High/High School Lunch Menu