Semester Exam Schedule

Finals:  Monday, December 19th & Tuesday, December 20th All of the high school students will be taking finals this semester in every class; however, finals may not be a simple paper-and-pencil exam.  I encourage teachers to create finals that reflect their content area.  For example, ag and art classes may be completing a project while music may work on performance reflections and English might write short responses to prompts.  Regardless of the content, every student needs to be in attendance for each of their finals periods unless they have made prior arrangements with me.  

Below is this year’s finals schedule.  (It’s the same one we used last year.)  Students with 8th period resource or study hall may be excused from attending if they have parental permission.  (Please call the high school office by Friday, December 16th to let us know if you wish for your child to be excused during 8th hour.)  For safety reasons, students needing to ride the bus after school must attend their 8th period class, regardless.  Junior high students will follow the schedule for their normal 8-period day.

Monday, 12/191st Period3rd Period5th PeriodLunch7th PeriodStudy Hall/Help
Tuesday, 12/202nd Period4th Period6th PeriodLunch8th PeriodStudy Hall/Help

Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.